Top 5 Benefits of Hiring a Professional for Insurance Claim Assistance

Insurance claim assistence Insurance Samadhan

An Overview Navigating insurance claims can quickly become a challenging endeavor. Whether you’re contending with medical claims, property damage, or any other type of insurance claim, the journey through intricate procedures and negotiations with insurance companies can leave you feeling… Continue Reading


Claim Settlement: What to Expect and How to Expedite the Process

Claim Settlement Process

Overview As policyholders, we rely on insurance to protect us during challenging times. When unforeseen events like health emergencies, property damage, or the loss of a loved one occur, insurance claims offer the much-needed financial support during our most vulnerable… Continue Reading


What are the most common reasons for Health Claims Rejection: The Series: Part 9

Google Timeline Mismatch

Claim rejection due to Google Timeline Mismatch Technology has revolutionized our lives, making miracles possible in our modern world. Smartphones are crucial to this tech revolution, simplifying our daily routines. We carry them everywhere, even to hospitals.  The Issue We… Continue Reading


Recognizing Mis-Selling Tactics in Insurance Policies: How to Protect Yourself

Mis-Selling Tactics in Insurance Policies

How to Recognize Mis-Selling Tactics in Insurance Policies Insurance is bought to protect the family and businesses against the unforeseen circumstances. When we look at a life insurance product, we need to understand the protection the product offers. The advisor… Continue Reading


What are the most common reasons for Health Claims Rejection: The Series: Part 8

Treatment at Blacklisted Hospitals

TREATMENT AT A BLACKLISTED HOSPITAL: Major Facts to keep in mind before Hospitalization and insurance Claim!  Harsh met with an accident. Someone from the public took him to a nearby hospital. The insurer rejected the claim stating that the hospital… Continue Reading