Let us understand who is a nominee before we file the insurance claim under a policy. Nominee is the person appointed by the policyholder who will be the beneficiary in case of the death of the Life Insured. Generally, Nominee in a policy will be the spouse, children or the parents.
Life Insurance Claim Process for Nominees
The name of the nominee will be mentioned in the policy documents.
So, first check who is the Nominee in the policy?
This information you will find in the schedule page of the life insurance policy. If, however a nominee is a minor the proceed will go to the appointee under the policy. Appointee is the custodian of the money till the minor achieves the age of 18.

Also Read: Importance of Beneficiary Nominee in a Life Insurance Policy
Documents Required For A Life Insurance Claim
Once the Nominee name is cleared from the policy document, the following is the list of documents which needs to be submitted to file the claim:
The Original Policy Document
The Death Certificate
Nominee identity proof (Photo identity card like Aadhar card, PAN card)
Cancelled cheque with name mentioned on the cheque (If printed name is not there passbook copy needs to be added)
Discharge form duly filled
Medical Certificate (cause of death)
Policy FIR (in case of unnatural death)
Post Mortem report (in case of unnatural death)
Death Claim: Documents Required For A Life Insurance Claim
The company may ask for additional documents for investigation if it’s a case of early death
- Cremation certificate
- Employer certificate
- Leave records/ Salary slips/ ITR
Also Read: How Can You Avoid Life Insurance Claim Rejection?
After submission of the required documents in one go the company will pay the claim within 30 days of the receipt of the documents. If it’s a case of early death, the company may take up to 6 months to investigate the case and take decision.
Insurance companies normally try to settle death claim as fast as they can for a good customer experience. However, if a genuine claim is rejected there may be some deficiency in the submitted documents.
In case you feel that your genuine death claim has been rejected, you can reach out to Insurance Samadhan. We shall understand your case and study the documents to find the deficiency if any. We shall then represent your case to the Insurance company with all required details to help expediate the claim. In case of further assistance, we can help file the complaint in IRDA, ombudsman and courts as per the merits of the case. In the whole of the journey you are kept informed and updated about your claim.

Insurance Samadhan has provided resolutions in over 13500 cases related to insurance grievances in last 20 months and aims to build a grievance free eco system for the growth of Insurance Business.
To reach us at InsuranceSamadhan.com –
Call us at – 844 844 0626
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