While checking off the list for your next vacation, don’t forget to check your travel insurance. 2020 has taught us many things, one to say is that unpredictable things happen at unpredictable times. But we would like you to be prepared in advance to deal with any mishap that may ever cross your lines, which is why we recommend buying Travel Insurance for all your trips. Travel Compressive policies in addition to Medical expenses typically include coverage for trip cancellation, Lost Luggage, Flight Delays, Public liability and other expenses.

5 Reasons to buy Travel Insurance before your trip
Not just this one, we will give you 5 reasons why you should opt for Travel Insurance in India.
1. Last minute change of plans? Cancel like a king!
We know that even well-planned trips end up getting cancelled at times. At such time, neither can an airline nor your travel agent can save you- as most of the travel providers offer nominal or no refunds for late cancellation. Now you are in the position of losing all your money.
Need not worry, when you buy a travel insurance, it covers all your cancellation risks. Given that you have a reason that is covered in your insurance, you can claim the entire prepaid cost of the trip in the event of unforeseen and unexpected circumstances. The outbreak of Covid-19 Pandemic is one of the examples.
2. Your health Insurance does not work globally!
Your health is a priority to us which is why here’s a reality check- if you get sick or injured across borders, your health insurance stands invalid in another country. Your Medicare plans do not cover your internationally. That sounds scary, right?
Well, that’s why we have travel insurance. When you buy a travel insurance with emergency medical benefits, you are protected for any medical emergency that may occur during your trip.
3. Ever heard of a helicopter ambulance? It’s a 6-digit-figure
Accidents can happen with anyone at any point of time. Let’s say one gets badly injured or sick while overseas, you would be rushed to the nearest hospital via helicopter. While it may seem very advanced, the cost of such a medical transport can be massive! When you convert such costs to INR, in some parts of the world, like United States- such a medical transport and medical evaluation can cost up to a six figures bill.
Yet again, Travel insurance with medical emergency benefits comes to rescue. It can cover specialised transportation charges and appropriate treatment charges, given that your insurance covers it. In the event of Death Overseas, Medical benefit sections typically include cover for repatriation of remains to insured person’s the country of origin or funeral overseas.
Also Read: Top Reasons why you need Travel Insurance for family in India?
4. Missing bag? Travel Insurance saves your day!
In 2016, global reports show that 21.6 million bags were either misplaced or lost by airlines worldwide. There’s about a 7% chance that it can happen to you too! And we would never let you take a risk- which is why we suggest travel insurance.
Travel insurance under baggage delay benefits can cover reasonable additional expenditure on essential items during your trip, given your bag goes missing or delayed for more than 24 hours.
5. Facing a crisis? Receive help immediately
No matter what’s your emergency- when you buy a travel insurance- help is just a phone call away. From Medical emergency to stolen wallets- you can claim for most of the accidental costs with your travel insurance, given that it is one of the covered reasons in your policy.
We gave you 5 reasons why buying a travel insurance, in our expert opinion, is essential for all your trips. Also, here’s one reason why you should contact us if things go sideways.

If you are having trouble receiving claims on your travel insurance you can contact us. We have helped resolve over 13,500 customer grievance cases in the past related to all types of Insurances, ULIPs and other financial products.
To reach us at InsuranceSamadhan.com –
Call us at – 844 844 0626
Mail us at – corporate@insurancesamadhan.com
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