Covid-19 Claims in Temporary Hospitals- Are They Covered?

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As the hospitals are filing up and the number of cases growing each day, the government is making provisions to provide temporary hospitals by covering large spaces available to offer treatment to the patients. This is a new situation for all of us and IRDAI has taken a note of it.

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India has asked the Insurance Companies to recognize these temporary hospitals which are being built and approved by the government for settlement of health insurance claims.

Covid-19 cases are rising and as per WHO this is going to stay till enough vaccines arrive, the cost of treatment in these temporary hospitals which are permitted by the central and state governments shall be regarded as hospitals or network providers and insurers shall settle the claims, the regulator said.

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So if you are tested positive for the virus and are admitted in temporary hospital on the advice of the government authorities, the claim shall be settled by the insurer.

Also if any hospital has set up any temporary facility to treat covid-19 patients, it will be regarded as the extension of the hospital and cashless facility will be made available.

“Insurers are advised to expedite settlement of all such claims in accordance to the applicable regulatory framework and all insurers are also advised to incorporate the norms in claim guidelines and inform to all the third part administrators immediately. These guidelines shall come in to force with immediate effect”, the regulator said.

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Based on the guidelines, feel free to contact the insurer if your claim is rejected in these temporary hospitals. You need to contact with the grievance cell of the insurance company in case you have problem with the claim settlement or rejection. You may call Insurance Samadhan or write to us if you have any concerns with your Covid 19 claims and we shall be happy to assist you.

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If you’re having such kind of problem regarding Covid-19 Hospital Claim then reach us to below given details.

To reach us at InsuranceSamadhan.com –

Call us at – 844 844 0626

Mail us at – corporate@insurancesamadhan.com

Register your insurance complaint here

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